Wednesday, November 20, 2013

READ to RISE visits Happy Valley Daycare in Mitchells Plain

Today, READ to RISE visited Happy Valley Daycare in Mitchells Plain.

Our readers, Roscoe and Aaron enjoyed reading to the 25 children at the school and then handing out a copy of OAKY AND THE SUN to each child.

The oldest was 5 years old.

We got a message from one of the children's mothers:

" I got home this evening and I am met with Oaky and the sun, waiting to be read. I proceed to read, I still have my bag on my shoulder. Gosh!

This is her story, "mummy, two uncles came to my creche and read us a story and gave us the book, we All got a book to bring home. Up here said the sun, up here"

Thank you again. "
Such a wonderful letter. It warms my heart to hear how READ to RISE is impacting the lives of children.

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