Friday, November 8, 2013

Visit to Harvester Primary School's Grade 3 classes... 5 November 2013

Our volunteer readers, Michelle and Sharon visited Harvester Primary School on Tuesday 5 November 2013 to hand out 140 books and read with the learners. The ladies did a fantastic job with the children - thank you!

Michelle used to teach at the school, so was extra special for her to go back and see the school.

Jerome Cupido, generously sponsored the copies of OAKY AND THE SUN for the three Grade 3 classes. He is an ex-learner from the school and his mom used to be a teacher there. Thank you Jerome! The learners thank you!

Grade 3 learners at Harvester Primary showing their appreciation to Jerome Cupido for sponsoring the books

Showing the learners a real sapling and acorn

Sharon explaining the parts of a tree

Sharon explains how an acorn grows to become a big oak tree

Sharon reading OAKY AND THE SUN

Michelle discussing OAKY AND THE SUN

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